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Guiding Emerging Leaders


Experience is a brutal teacher.

She gives the test first and then delivers the lesson, but only if we are open to the learning. The test will be repeated until the lesson is learned.


To fully integrate the learning that Experience provides, we must be grounded in our core essence: our primary values, purpose, vision and priorities. These are our primary drivers that control our actions and shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviors — “our primaries.” It is from this core knowledge of self – our Eagle Awareness – that we have the strongest presence and greatest influence as leaders.

As an emerging leader, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have an accelerated personal leadership development plan that brings clarity and balance to my life?

  • Am I enjoying a low-stress, fulfilling life adventure of my own design?
    Have I acquired the facility to flow gracefully with the turbulent VUCA environment?

  • Do I have a sounding board and a safe place where I can openly express my feelings and confront my self-limiting beliefs and conflicting thoughts?

  • Am I learning everything Experience has to teach me from each lesson? (Or are many lessons being repeated?)

Emerging leaders build their leadership influence capability by developing their seven influence traits: confidence, commitment, courage, passion, empowering, trustworthiness and likability. Through leadership influence, leaders build Designed Team Alliances that create an enthusiastic alignment of an individual’s attitudes and behaviors with the organization’s desired culture. This alignment is the key to building an All-In, engaged team that successfully executes the organization’s strategic initiative.

What We Do

“Guiding the Emerging Leader” is not a predefined program. The leaders control their agenda. Each session focuses on the topic of greatest importance – or urgency – to the leader. This is a pragmatic, self-discovery program. The leaders build their own journal of notes and relevant, practical documents. In terms of leadership development, this approach provides “just-in-time learning” for dealing with the current issues.


Leaders must have a safe place to openly express their feelings, sort through their confusing thoughts and craft the language to best express their ideas. We provide emerging leaders a safe space and sounding board where we can safely explore the messiness of their self-limiting beliefs, biases and blind spots. We offer emerging leaders a partnership of equals in service of their aspirations and agenda. We are a “guide at their side” in their Hero’s Journey. Together, we encounter their adaptive challenges with a Beginner’s Mind.


Our Authentic Leadership Insights model connects the content of workshop or webinar training with the context of the leader’s job. Coaching accelerates experiential learning, reducing the time required to acquire the wisdom required for successful performance.


Our purpose is to support emerging leaders in becoming the person they wish to become. We walk beside emerging leaders as they develop the skills required for successful performance in their Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous – VUCA – ecosystem. This is the new normal; it requires a new model.

Next Steps

If you are a learning leader who is ready to eliminate the chaos, overwhelm and stress in your life, we welcome the opportunity to become acquainted with you and explore how we may be of service.


At In Search of Eagles, we use a two-step process. First, we have a 15 – 30 minute phone conversation in which you describe your situation and we answer any questions you have. Secondly, If we agree to continue to explore an engagement relationship, we will schedule an in-depth strategy session in which we thoroughly explore your needs and expectations. So that the strategy session is an efficient learning experience, we ask you to complete a brief questionnaire beforehand.

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